Monday, November 9, 2009

Sit your ass down...

...And please enjoy the following entertainment. Despite the fact that it is a balmy 56 degrees here in Milwaukee, WI, winter is fast approaching. Yes it is. No, YES, I'm sorry to say, but it is. And now that we've come to terms with it, what better way to save a few bucks than to lock ourselves inside and get our Netflix on?!

Ah but Katie, I don't really feel like watching Atonement even though it's currently collecting dust on my coffee table. Katie, I'm too lazy and forgot to mail in the last disc of Sunny in Philadelphia Season 2.

Alright people, you need to hook yourself up with PS3 and start streaming your Netflix...I kid...But speaking of streaming, if you really only have like $75 to $100 to spare, why not try Roku? What in God's name is Roku?! Basically, you buy this magical black box for a hundred bucks, and you are whisked away to 50,000+ streaming movies and shows, instantly! PLUS you get access to streaming Netflix and Amazon movies/shows if you have an account with them. So yeah, it's your typical Movies/TV On Demand situation, and you are basically drowning in entertainment.

Wait yeah, I have that On Demand feature already, why am I getting this in ADDITION to cable??

Well here's where Love on a Budget comes into play.
Cancel your cable.
Cancel it. With the advent of digital television, you get a fab quality picture without cable. You will no longer be a slave to the television, and you'll save yourself like $50 a month at least.

But I love Top Chef and Mad Men.

And that's what Friends With Cable are for. Bring over a case of PBR and a Papa Murphy's pizza, and you've got yourself a night out!

But I can't NOT have DVR or Tivo.

Bah, everything's online. I even found a website that shows Canadian eps of SVU! Oh Canada indeed!

The reason why I'm a walking advertisement for products like Roku or streaming anything is that they allow you some breathing room in terms of time, mood, and laziness factor when it comes to your TV watching. No more red paper envelopes collecting dust on your coffee table. But even better, they allow you to snuggle up next to your warm buddy and take in a good show for next to nothing, wearing next to nothing if you are so inclined. Recently the BF and I have been hooked on Lost (fully clothed, mind you...and wrapped in blankets to save heating bill cash). I am a Lost junkie and have turned him over to my darkside. Season Six, the final *sniff* season ever, starts next year and I myself very much enjoy watching the show a second time around, from the beginning. I also very much enjoy seeing someone I love, love something I love! My point is, the streaming sitch works on so many freaking levels it's ridiculous. Redonkulous really.

This all sounds lovely, Katie, but I am seriously, really strapped for cash.

Ok ok. Some of us have tumbleweeds rolling around in our wallets, and if this is the case, your local library is the place to be and has nothing to do with streaming anything. I myself haven't owned a library card in decades though, so I cannot speak to the magic of our local library, but I promise to get one soon, and that will most assuredly be a blog post worthy of Love on a Budget.


  1. Awesome idea!! Feel like a slave to the DVR sometimes!!!!
    Library card is DEFINELTY blog worthy!! Free checkout of whatever you want for a week. Reserve ahead of schedule and they email you when it comes in!! LOVE it!!!

  2. Not ready (or admittedly poor enough) to give up cable, but the tips on streaming Netflix we got from you and Chris were great. We are going to get so much better value out of our one-movie-at-a-time cheapie subscription. Will save that for the films we want to see in Blu-Ray. Old MST3Ks look fab in streaming HD!

  3. Haha! I don't even know if I'M ready to give up cable!! :) Bekky, I most definitely have The Library on my list of subjects! Once I move to Bayview, I'm getting a card as that library is super close/walking distance from the apartment!
